The term “PANCHKARMA” means a combination of five therapeutic procedures to detoxify & rejuvenate our body. There are 3 sequential steps involved which are as follows:

1. Poorva Karma
2. Pradhan Karma
3. Paschat Karma
Poorva karma: It includes snehana(oelation) & swedana (steaming) of the body.
Pradhan Karma: It includes the “five karmas” which are:
1. Vamana: In this procedure vitiated Kapha dosha is eliminated through oral route by using herbal medicines to induce vomiting.
2. Virechana: In this procedure vitiated pitta dosha is eliminated through anal route by using herbal medicines to induce purgation.
3. Basti: In this procedure vitiated Vata dosha is eliminated through rectal, urethral, or vaginal route by using herbal liquid medicines.
4. Nasya: In this procedure, medicated herbal oils or choornams are poured inside the nasal cavity. It is done mainly to cure the diseases of the head region.
5. Rakta mokshana: It is the first line of treatment in panchkarma to cure all aliments caused due to impure blood by various means like instruments,jaloka(leech therapy).
Paschat karma: It is also called the post-procedure to get the best result of pradhan karmas it includes dietary regimen along with physical & mental rest to regain strength.