According to Ayurveda three fundamental energies Vata (wind), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (Earth) govern our inner and outer environment, movement, transformation, and structure which are responsible for the characteristics of our mind and body.

VATA DOSHA- All movements in the body are due to Vata.
PITTA DOSHA- Metabolism in the body is due to pitta.
 KAPHA DOSHA- All structure and lubrication in the body are due to Kapha.
Tridoshas ayurvedic concept is unique to medical science.
According to Ayurveda body is made up of- • Tissues (Dhatus) • Waste Products (Malas) • Doshas (Loosely translated to energetic forces) Tridoshas assist with the creation of various tissues of the body and to remove any unnecessary waste products from the body. All movements, transformations, sensory functions, and many other activities in the human body and mind are controlled by Doshas.

Each of us has a unique proportion of these three forces that shapes our nature.

If Vata is dominant, the individual will be thin, light, energetic, changeable, and enthusiastic. Vata imbalance can cause fear, anxiety, physical and emotional construction, poor circulation, constipation, dry skin, cracking sounds in joints, insomnia, twitches, tremors, and other abnormal movements.
If pitta predominates, patients do have a good appetite, digestion, individuals do have charisma, intelligence, courage and ambition. They do have good absorption and assimilation. Pitta is a combination of fire and water. Pitta imbalance can cause anger, jealousy, swelling, heartburn, loose stool, rashes, excessive heat, sharp hunger, bleeding disorders, and difficulty in sleeping.
Kapha dominant people do have good strength and stamina. Individuals do have a good memory and the ability to fill compassion and contentment. Kapha imbalance can cause heaviness in the mind and body, excessive sleep, sluggish metabolism, greed, resistance to change, water retention, depression, hardening of the arteries, and formation of masses and tumors.
It is also possible for more than one doshas to be out of balance at the given time or for all three doshas to be imbalanced. If any of the doshas are out of balance your constitution will not tell you the entire story, your current state of balance may actually be more important because it highlights which doshas you need to pacify in order to return to balance, and it can help you identify the most effective treatment strategies for your particular situation.